
Saturday, June 16, 2007

Why We Fight: Reminder

It's a busy time of year. School is out, people are vacationing, television viewing is down. Many of us who served in the Nuts campaign are battle weary and fatigued. We no longer have daily Mission Orders or leaders issuing alerts to comment now or email now yet we are still engaged in a battle.

Yes, Jericho will be back in reruns July 6 and, yes, it will return in the Fall with new episodes. Some people think the war is over. We got Season 2. Well, let me remind you that Nina Tassler said there will only be more episodes if Season 2 increases viewers. This campaign continues and will continue for the duration. If we get Season 2 we'll fight for Season 3 then 4 and on and on.

We need more viewers. We need Nielsen families. We need to let people know that the battle continues. We have to do it together. Our message should be clear and concise. We must continue to let our presence be known on the CBS board because CBS is watching. We cannot afford to let our guard down. Time is short.

So, what can you do? Here are a few things:

1. Continue leaving comments on every blog that mentions Jericho. Let them know about the reruns. Do the same with message boards.

2. Hit the CBS board hard. Post your ideas. Pick a place where help is needed and pitch in.

3. Email friends and family, pass out flyers and brochures. Put a sign in your yard. Call your radio station and request a song.

I could go on and on but you may have other ideas. Act on them. Don't wait for someone's approval or okay. We can do this but we have to have strength in numbers. Take a break or vacation then come back to the board.

Above all, remember why we fight. We want Jericho! Long live Jericho!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Thanks To CBS

Is there anyone who doesn't know Bob Barker and/or The Price Is Right? Do you know how well they do in the ratings? This is the place I'd want an ad of mine to be seen if I had an ad. Well, maybe I do kind of have an ad there.

CBS released a Promo on The Price Is Right today and I love it! The spot mentions "thousands" of emails, letters, and phone calls which brought a smile to my face. Best of all there's Jake Green saying, " Nuts" so maybe CBS decided to give us Jericho Rangers a little humor.

I'm betting a lot of Nielsen families caught Bob Barker's exit and I sure hope they caught that promo and will tune in July when reruns begin.

Goodbye Bob and hello Jericho.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Nutty Nielsen's ?

As more and more good shows are canceled talk has turned to Nielsen ratings. CBS has given Jericho Rangers the task of making sure viewers are watching when Jericho returns this summer and fall. There's just one problem. CBS only counts Nielsen families and Nielsen families' identities are kept secret. So, we Rangers are looking for Nielsen families in tons of nuts. All we can do is try to get anybody and everybody to watch in hopes of getting some Nielsen families. Make sense? No.

Nielsen Media Research has predicted that major networks could lose over $ 600 million this year due to so many people using DVR's. Seems to me somebody could come up with an idea to fix this problem. Why can't they?

Networks want to capture more viewers but advertisers are saying no. These advertisers say people who aren't watching " live" TV aren't watching the ads. Surely there are smart ad folks who could figure something out here. While they're all left to work something out our favorite shows are being canceled.

I think they all need a good supply of Nuts.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Jericho Returns July 6th

CBS announced yesterday that reruns of Jericho will begin July 6th at 9 p.m.
More information is to be released today.
Please invite everyone you can to watch.