Saturday, February 2, 2008

Jericho Countdown

Amy has today's Daily Fix.

Check out the Jericho countdown clock to Season 2 in the right-hand sidebar. Go ahead and snag a copy for your own blog, or create a new one through Widgetbox.

Thanks to Amy the days are passing more quickly now.

The Post-Apocalyptic Workout

If Jericho happened today would you be physically fit enough to handle it?
Learn more.


Friday, February 1, 2008

Jericho: Amy, Kricka, and Stanley

Daily Jericho Fix from Amy

Be sure to check out the great videos.

One fan who has worked tirelessly is Kricka. I have a great admiration and respect for this lady. She's fun, generous, kind, and loved by many. She has given generously of her talents and always has an encouraging word. She has offered support many times and she is willing to listen to anyone who needs an ear.

Just this week she has provided us with "motivator" postcards which she created. Her efforts are much appreciated.

Kricka, I am honored to know you.

The Monster Fan of The Week is Kricka.


Thursday, January 31, 2008

Counting Down

Get Your Daily Jericho Fix with Amy.

Remote Access rocks.

While you wait for Feb. 12:

Thanks Kricka


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Jericho: Daily Fix


See this. A real winner.

"OK, you guys are the best and are helping to keep me honest in my vow to blog daily on Jericho until the premiere.

Before I get to the good stuff, a reminder that I’m looking for guest bloggers for Season 2. What’s that, you ask? Check out the summer rerun guest bloggers. Margie & Edna are taking care of the premiere, while Yvonne (Aunt Vonna) has ep 2, Erika (kricka) snagged ep 3 and newbie (to Jericho guest blogging, that is) Clarke Ingram (gushing fanboy that he is of Sprague Grayden) will tackle episode 5."

Thanks Kricka. You're awesome.


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Countdown Begins

First, I want to mention a TV blog I found recently. I went there to read an article about Jericho but this blog covers a lot of other interesting shows. I hope you'll visit because I think you'll like it. I do.

The TV Show Blog

Many kudos to Kricka for this photo.


Monday, January 28, 2008

The Healing Begins

I have to say this day has been one of gratitude. If you read this blog yesterday then you know I spoke of conscience and I stated,"The time has come that differences cannot or will not be resolved. We can only do what our conscience tells us and I hope we all have one."

Something started bothering me and I realized my own conscience was talking to me. I also realized I was wrong about differences and not being able to resolve them.

I had a Jericho friend and we lost our way to each other because of infighting and friction. I failed to acknowledge my role in that. I was wrong. I had to narrow my focus to see that it is possible to resolve a difference.

I have reached out to this person and I have apologized. She, being the person she is, has met me halfway. Perhaps the friendship will never be the same but maybe it can be better. I know we will be better people for it.

It's a small step but we have taken it. I can only hope others will do the same. To my fellow Ranger-you know who you are- I am saying this publicly as an effort to show you my sincerity.

I thank you for being a partner in this healing and I thank all my readers for listening.

Jericho Junction

I don't normally blog on Sunday but wanted to make an exception because of today's superb blog post by Terocious at Jericho Junction. One statement that jumped out at me was this one:

"I put aside my personal feelings in many cases and added my hands to the work. I did this not to be a hero but in order to not be a hypocrite. Now I have begun to feel that I am aiding and abetting hypocrites. There are those among us who say their main focus is the show but take every opportunity to push their own personal agendas. This one accuses that one of having no objectivity. To this I say “Give me a break!"

Unfortunately, I believe we have all passed the point of no return. Too many do not wish to add their hands to the work. Too many have their own agenda whether it be retaliation, trying to control the fandom, or simply being vicious.

"The bottom line here is I know longer ask for anyone to put aside differences to secure a third season of Jericho. I now think the only healthy way forward is for folks to let their conscience guide them. This may mean that there are some differences which cannot be overcome. So be it."

So true. The time has come that differences cannot or will not be resolved. We can only do what our conscience tells us and I hope we all have one.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Jericho: Hey Nielsen

I had high hopes for Hey Nielsen when it first arrived on the scene. It was fun and I thought it could only help Jericho. Unfortunately, my opinion has changed.

In September Rich at Copywrite Ink posted,"How can you accurately gauge fan buzz on the Internet if you are dangling “fame” in front of the people scoring the system? It adds the same kind of superficial buzz measures that are overshadowing Web metrics."

"I've been meaning to follow up with the progress being made by Hey!Nielsen since I first wrote about them in Sept.," says Rich. "And I keep putting it off because something tells me that there isn't any."

I would ask how you can accurately gauge anything when you have people abusing the system? How does Hey Nielsen rate anything accurately when some users create multiple identities and converge on one topic with the express purpose of voting down someone or some show they don't like?

There will always be people who abuse any system and it seems to be no different at Hey Nielsen. What are they doing about it and how do they adjust rankings to reflect the fact that some opinions are made by the obviously mentally challenged among us?

At this point in time I no longer use Hey Nielsen as the rankings show me nothing. It is being used by some to gain revenge or to discredit a person or show. I cannot see that it will have any usefulness to Jericho fans. I hope changes are made so abusive users can be removed quickly before their rantings are allowed to influence others and spread dissension further.

In the meantime I no longer consider this vehicle as any promotional tool I want to use. I'd rather promote where there's actually a chance of success.