Who on earth is Gylon Jackson? That's what I asked myself when Rich at Copywrite Ink posted that he was going to be on a talk show with Gylon Jackson. I love BlogCatalog and participated in their Blogging Against Abuse and Copywrite Ink is my favorite read. Anyway, I tuned in and, honestly, Gylon was very impressive. (Okay, you were too Rich). I felt like I was listening to an old friend. Gylon is smart and I believe he could talk about old shoes and I'd listen. So, I want you to meet him and please tune in to his next show. I can assure you that you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Gylon Jackson is first and foremost a man. I am flawed, yet humble, not easily definable and constantly evolving. Peace and a piece of the world is what I desire. I want everyone to feel as if they belong. My number one goal is to be able to help someone because I CAN. I often felt that people were not doing what they can and were selfish. Then I found that when I do because I CAN more people will do, it is paying it forward subconsciously. I don't do things because it is right or wrong, I do because I can. Deep inside of me there is a voice telling me to do it, whatever it is ........ is says do it because YOU CAN (Wait after answering this question I realized that I hate to help people move. If you need me to give a kidney an eye or a lung I am your man. But moving.......... that little voice is laughing at you.). Now I do what I CAN with kindness in my heart....... so if you feel that kindness is "right" then I am doing because it is right, or as I like to say I do cause I CAN.
2. I heard you first two shows with Rich Becker on BlogTalkRadio and they were great. You're a wonderful host. Does that come naturally to you?
Thank you for the compliment, if you saw me you would see me blushing. Wow...... a wonderful host.......stop already........ok ok tell me more!!! There are a few things that come naturally to me. Training, public speaking and well just plain ole speaking. I am no different than most people out there... I have dreams, desires and I want to feel fulfilled. After my first radio show I was on cloud nine! I have never done drugs, but if they (drugs) feel like my first radio show on Abuse made me feel then I addicted to my radio shows. I found that doing the show was one of the best accomplishments in my life. When I was younger we did not have a TV in our house, my next door neighbor broke into our house several times and stole our TVs. We knew he did it but could not prove it........... Finally we gave up, no TV for my family for over 5 years. I started reading more but what really caught my ear was the radio. Dancing is my thing, so listening to R&B and the early years of Rap was great. I can remember vividly bouncing up and down to the beat, pop locking and trying to spin on my back. Although I loved to dance, listening to hours of talk radio shows is what I really enjoyed doing. Shows like the The Green Hornet, Superman Amos and Andy, Batman, Benny Goodman and the Lone Ranger make me feel young just thinking about them. But my favorite radio show of all time is Coast to Coast with Art Bell. I was raised by talk radio for 5 plus years. At this point in my life I feel that it is only natural for me to do a talk radio show.
3. How did you come up with the name Don't Bark Bite?
Don't Bark Bite is a comment on the state of our society. A lot of people are worried about being politically correct and not speaking their mind. For most of us our bark is loud, but we have no BITE. I am still developing my BITE............ I feel that more people should stand up for what they feel is right and BITE hard. Look at the Jericho community, the BITE was felt. So let's be real, our current political system sucks........ for some reason we are afraid to BITE. I don't have the answer but I am more than willing to stop barking and start BITING!
4. What do you hope to accomplish with your radio show?
As you know I renamed the radio show "The Gylon Jackson Show" and the show can be found on both gylonjackson.com and dontbarkbite.com. I want The Gylon Jackson Show to be a real talk show with substance and piece of mind. The host (that is me), guests and callers to talk and discuss anything and everything, no topic is off limits. The formula of the show is still coming together and evolving. My next few quests will be a small business owner, a Author's Coach, a comedian, and VP of a major restaurant chain. I am not looking to polarize listeners with opinionated mumbo jumbo or hyped up junk......... I want to entertain , educate and have fun....... the same fun I had as a young boy listening to talk radio.
5. What kind of shows can we expect from you in the future?
All kinds of shows are on the horizon for the future! I am looking forward to doing a show on Jericho and how it pertains to a possible real world scenario. My next show on 10/7 is about small businesses with Dreen the President and founder of Pacific Coast Communication and Joanne owner of MakesScents.com. Dreen is part of one of the fasts growing cable contracting companies and Joanne has an amazing online business that she started a few years ago and recently moved into a new manufacturing center. Dreen and Joanne will be giving a lighthearted few on the success and the pitfalls of owning a small business. On 10/14 I will start our Blogging series. This is a huge break for me because I am partnering with Blogcatalog.com and there will be some surprises for our online listeners and callers! The blogging series will last for 4 to 8 weeks we are currently working on show ideas. If your readers have any suggestions they can email me at gylonj@gmail.com.
6. You also have a personal blog called Gylon Jackson. What is its' purpose?
The Gylon Jackson blog is about life, love, success, thoughts, inspirational stuff and just a general blog. The tag line on gylonjackson.com is "built for success". I feel that at 35 I am still building a firm foundation that is being laid for something great. Earlier you asked me what do I want........... well I want to be a motivational speaker. I read a blog weeks ago that stated that there are certain words we should stop using... some of the words were Happiness, Spirituality, Success, Moral, Wrong/Right and other words. I felt that this was crazy, this blogger wants me to stop using the words like happiness, moral and SUCCESS. Well what I found is that it is not about not using the words, it is about defining the word or words in your everyday life. I hope that with each blog post on gylonjackson.com you can see my words defining success and when you meet me you see someone that is "built for success".
7. BlogCatalog recently started allowing groups and you have the Gylon Jackson group. What is its' purpose? If you don't promote yourself no one else will :) I will be using the group to promote my radio show.
8. You're very motivational. Is that something that just happened or did you cultivate that talent?
I owe my motivational attitude to my mother and father. They have been married for 35 years and they are my heroes and my strength. I am a strong and positive person because of my parents and they have shown me that being motivational is about your attitude and action. My fathers job has a lot to do with influencing people and helping them understand that change is ok and beneficial to all involved. My mother works with college students to help them achieve their goals in the medical field. I feel that being motivational is part of being influential and being positive. I felt that I had all the answers. At times I can be "convinced" (cocky+confident = convinced). Being a "convinced" person is a great thing, you have to be able to convince yourself that you are great and you can accomplish anything. I found is that being convinced is not all you need, there has to be a foundation, look were you come from, learn from the lessons of life, and more than anything you have to rely on your family for guidance and help. As I get older my parents are getting smarter. I already have the attitude ......... the more action I show the more motivational I will become. Live, drink, sleep and think motivation and anyone can be motivational.
9. What do you hope for yourself in the future?
We change the past The future is a mystery. We only have this moment, this moment right now, so be in the moment! My future looks bright. I have a lot of positive people in my corner. I am coming out of a personal funk that was very trying, depressing but ultimately I found it is one of the most liberating experiences of my life. I write more, I am doing more............ more Action, plus that attitude that I have, leads to more motivation which is a major piece of success.
10. Do you watch Jericho? It's a great show.
Jericho is a great show. I was sad when they (the proverbial man) did not bring it back, but because of the actions of the Jericho community it is coming back. It appears that the viewing public likes a show that has a story line they can follow, with complex characters, and a a cliff hanger. I love Jericho, 24, Heroes, and the show that is think is great is Life.
Any comments you'd like to add?
Everyone should spend more time loving, less time criticizing and even more time caring. War is not the answer. What if because of war, any war, not just the current war we have killed or lost the next great leader, the person that has a cure for cancer, or the Second Coming? I want people to think.
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I have had multiple anonymous postings. I have re-set the comment feature for registered users and welcome those whose comments were not allowed through to repost them.
It was brought to my attention recently that there is incorrect information going around about how Nutsonline joined the Jericho campaign. So, I found this article (there are more like it) that says, "Jericho" fan Jeff Knoll helped coordinate with Braverman to get Nuts Online to serve as a distributor. Knoll was one of the originators of the campaign, and his biggest hope is that the network pays attention."
"Jeff Knoll, a fan in Oakville, Ontario, was thinking about shipping some nuts but was worried about them getting delayed in customs. That's when he stumbled across nutsonline.com. He started talking to Jeffrey Braverman, whose family has run the nut distribution company now called nutsonline.com for three generations."
Just wanted to give credit where credit is due. Somebody might write a book.
I found this article to be quite interesting as I've heard so many people recently asking the same question. So, CBS, do you have the answer? Why haven't you done more to promote the DVD? We've given you plenty of free marketing yet you give us what? No promotion. Are you going to bother promoting when Jericho returns? You sure did a lousy job this summer with even letting people know when Jericho might be on. And, I thought CBS did care. Not anymore.
"The first season of Jericho hit DVD this week but you’d never know it looking around. Considering all the fuss that surrounded the series a couple of months ago, I would have expected parades, national news coverage, and a hard press by CBS that included banner ads during all of their shows, every other commercial spot, and integration into their other programming (“Hey, I know we’re always sitting around a bar and chatting but did any of you get a chance to check out season one of Jericho? It’s Legendary!). Instead, word surrounding the release is as quiet as if it really was isolated from the rest of the world."
"When I read about Jericho getting canned like many people I just didn’t care. I’d never watched it, didn’t know anyone who watched, and honestly I stopped worrying about Skeet Ulrich’s career after Chill Factor figuring he had died of embarrassment….though somehow Cuba Gooding Jr survived long enough to make Daddy Day Camp god rest his soul. The show popped up on my radar back at Comic-Con where CBS brought the cast out to promote the shows return from the TV grave. For those in the dark again: The show was killed off after the seasons cliff hanger ending…fans were understandably pissed off having given up 964 minutes of their D&D time decided to send nuts to the offices of CBS in rebellion…the nuts being a reference to the last episode…that or they learned of Nina Tassler (The CBS Pres) severe allergic to peanuts…either way I’m assuming nobody sent macadamia nuts."
Delana201 is a fantastic Digger and all-around great Jericho promoter. I am proud to be able to present this interview to say Thanks for all you do.
1. What do you love doing besides watching Jericho?
I love quilting and playing computer games on Pogo. I have an '81 Corvette that has been in one shop or another for 6 years getting restored & is almost completed. When I finally get it back, I will certainly enjoy driving it.
2. How much time per week do you spend promoting Jericho?
Probably not near as much as others. I've only lived here two years, so my social circle is somewhat limited. I wear my T-shirts whenever I can and email friends & family at least once a week with Jericho reminders - they're probably very glad the reruns are over & they won't hear from me for awhile.
3. What question do you hope will be answered in Season 2?
I would like to know more about Jake's back story. What did Jake do that he couldn't tell his father? Was it something more then shooting the little girl in Iraq? Where was he for those five years? I'd also like to know who set off the bombs.
4. What would you like to see CBS do to promote Season 2?
I'd like to see fireworks, banners flying in the sky and loudspeakers blaring "Watch Jericho on CBS at such and such a time." That won't happen so I'll settle for frequent promos (Rubberpoultry's if possible) and cast member appearances on talk shows.
5. What else can fans be doing now to promote Jericho?
Until the new air dates are announced I think we're kind of at a plateau. We can continue wearing our shirts, distributing flyers and buying DVD's. Word of mouth, however, is the best promotion. Talk to family & friends who don't watch Jericho & email those you can't talk to directly. Post frequently on the CBS board & whatever other boards you usually go to. CBS wants to see activity. Anything you can think of to get Jericho's name in front of the public in a good way should be done. Just remember, we're a class act.
6. What attracted you to Jericho?
I'm not a TV viewer, so when I saw a preview for Jericho I knew I had to watch it. I really don't know why. I'm not a survivalist or a post-apocalytic drama fan. I was not particularly a fan of any of the cast members. Something just told me I'd be missing something great if I wasn't sitting in front of my TV Wednesdays at 8:00PM. That something sure was right.
7. How can we attract new viewers to Jericho?
Talk!! Talk Jericho whenever you get a chance. Family, friends, strangers - pigeonhole all of them and tell them what they're missing. I think stressing it's a show about surviving, not a doomsday show will help. If you can get them to watch a few episodes on Innertube,. hopefully you'll get them hooked.
8. What do you tell people about the DVD?
I make sure they know that Oct. 2's the release date and that it can be pre-ordered from Amazon.com or the CBS store. I've also said they should check out DVD's for the troops.
Any comments?
Just like everyone else, I was devaststed by Jericho's cancellation. I didn't find the Jericho message board til just a day or two before the renewal, so my thanks and praise to all those who worked so hard to save Jericho. I am eagerly anticipating season 2, 3, 4, etc. We will get them.
"In the world of communication (advertising, marketing, public relations, political consultation, etc.), people, products, and companies live and die by perception every day and all the time. But, to actively live with the mistaken belief that perception is reality is fraught with peril, delusion, and consequence."
Jericho will return for a Season 2. Jericho Season 1 DVD was released. Now what? For some, the perception seems to be that we can sit back and relax and wait for Season 2. There's no more work to be done. Right?
The reality is that we are not assured a Season 3. We are not assured that Jericho won't be canceled again. We must not delude ourselves into thinking all is well.
To all those who fought during the Nuts campaign;thank you. No one person ever has or ever will save Jericho all on their own. It will take all of us! No, there is no Leader because most of us are adults and we know what we must do. There is no idea more important than another and no one person is more important than another. Believing there is a leader "is fraught with peril, delusion, and consequence."
To new fans: We need you! We need you to help us fight for Jericho. You are important!!!! Your ideas are needed!!! Help us promote Jericho. Please.
Just like in the real world you will meet fans you may not like. As I've always said, " I don't have to like you to work with you." Not liking you does not give me the right to belittle you, call you names, or besmirch your reputation. I will work with anybody who is honestly working for Jericho. I hope you will too.
Letter To Old Fans and New:
Jericho Needs You!!!!!!!!
Re-enlist In The Jericho Army Today!
Are you one of the Nuts who saved Jericho?
Do you still want more than just 7 new episodes?
Please! Come Home to Jericho! Jericho needs your support again.
120,608 people signed the petition to save Jericho! Where are you now?
We have missed you on the CBS message board.
We need more people there because CBS watches the board to see how many people are active.
We must show CBS that we are still here actively promoting.
1. You live in Canada. What do Canadians want from CBS/Jericho? Of course Canadian fans want the same thing fans in the US want. We want CBS to listen to the fans and to promote Jericho to ensure it lives a long, long time. We want Jericho to continue naturally, but in Canada we don't have the same tools as US viewers do. A lot of fans feel that their voices don't count for anything. That was the attitude when Jericho's cancellation was announced on May 16. Many fans had the frame of mind that they couldn't do anything about it so why bother trying. But once the NUTS Campaign took off, Canadian fans began to see that there are way to make themselves heard. We can't access Innertube and we don't count in the Nielsen's, but there were other ways to contribute. Most fans in Canada watch Jericho in US stations, watch US commercial ads and buy US products. I'd say our voices are as strong as anyone's.
2. Were you involved in Nuts to CBS? I'm proud to say in my own way I was involved. Aside from my own contribution of nuts, letters, emails and phone calls and countless hours, if not days on end on the internet and JRP, I also got the word out to friends, family, clients... Oh, heck...pretty much anyone who would stand still long enough to listen. Everyone who contributed played an important role no matter how small
3. What motivates you to fight for Jericho? At the very beginning it was all about getting Jericho back on the air... but now it has become about so much more. A lot of my motivation comes from my fellow fans... That's motivation enough to keep me going.
4. How do we get others motivated? Right now the best way to motivate people is to make them realize how crucial it is that we show the support for the show, and each other, that we did in the beginning. By showing that strength and passion it will make others want to be a part of something truly great and unique. Honestly, because we ultimately do not control the fate of Jericho, that is all we have.
5. What do you think CBS should be doing now to promote Jericho? In one word: MORE. It astounds me that there are so many people out there who don't know it is coming back. There was no mention of it in their Fall Previews. Granted, it is listed as a mid-season replacement, but after all the publicity Jericho has generated over the past 4 months it should have been worth a mention. They should also be promoting the upcoming DVD release where there is so much potential to attract those new viewers when the new episodes air. They also have this wonderful, amazing website for the show that they don't promote. They could be using the internet more than they are...after all, it was the power of the World Wide Web that brought them to the decision to bring the show back in the first place. Also, CBS should be looking at the fans. Jericho fans are large in number, are organized, out spoken and most of all WILLING. One would think they would look at that use that to their advantage.
Events in the small town of Jericho, Kansas have recently taken a scary and confusing turn. What started out as an ordinary day has quickly turned chaotic. The residents of town have seen with their own eyes a mushroom cloud in the sky to the West. They suspect that some sort of nuclear explosion has taken place, most likely in the Denver area. But this is really all they know by the end of the day. The frightened townspeople are left with many questions: what happened? Who did this? Are we safe? Will anyone come to help us? Let’s listen in to two of Jericho’s oldest residents (and town gossips), as they try and figure out just what happened on that September day last fall.
Edna: Margie, what happened??
Margie: What happened? How do I know? Do I look like the New York Times?
Edna: Well for crying out loud, didn't you see that mushroom cloud in the sky? You'd have to be blind to miss it
Margie: I didn't have my glasses on. A mushroom in the clouds?
Edna: Turn up your hearing aid!! I said a mushroom cloud. Lord, give me strength.
Margie: Me too, Lord. Oh, Edna, I don't think that's good.
Edna: Me either, Margie. Do you think it was an accident?
Margie: I wish, but you know the news has been so bad about war and bombs.
Edna: I know, but how anyone could knowingly kill anyone else, I'll never know. It looked like it was maybe near Denver. Do you think there were others? I didn't see any....
Margie: I don't see anything. Maybe we should ask Mayor Green.
Edna: Maybe we should, he always knows what to do. But guess what??
Margie: What?
Edna: Speaking of the Greens, you'll never guess who I saw in town earlier today. Go ahead, try and guess!
Margie: I hate that guessing, Edna. Stanley? That cute boy.
Edna: You nincompoop, why would I be talking about the Greens if I meant Stanley? Honestly! It was Jake Green, big as life, right there in Gracie's Market.
Margie: Jake Green? He's been gone for 5 years. I'd better call Emily.
Edna: Oh, Emily knows, he talked to her right outside the market. She didn't look all that happy to see him.
Margie: Well, they sure belong together. Oh, maybe not. He did leave her.
Edna: Where do you suppose he's been all this time?
Margie: Knowing Jake he's been gallivanting all over the world. That boy can't be still.
Edna: I heard him tell Gracie that he was playing baseball, but that doesn't seem right. It looked to me like he was wearing dog tags; you know, like soldiers wear?
Margie: Dog tags? Maybe he was in the Army but he doesn't seem the type.
Edna: No, he sure doesn't. He always was a little wild. Remember how he and Stanley used to run around town, getting into trouble?
Margie: I sure do. I always said they'd come to no good but Stanley is a good man now. Well, except for owing those taxes.
Edna: Taxes? How much does he owe? You know, you shouldn't mess around with the federal government
Margie: I heard he got a letter from the Revenuers and he owes thousands and thousands of dollars.
Edna: Lord-a-mercy! How do you suppose he let that happen? He seems so responsible.
Margie: I know but he got his figures messed up I guess. I didn't think that old farm was worth a hoot.
Edna: Well, the IRS will put it to rights, I have no doubt. Mushroom cloud or not. Oh Margie, I'm so worried, what's going to happen to us?
Margie: I'm not sure, Edna, but aren't we supposed to go somewhere safe?
Edna: I suppose we should. Do you think we might get bombed again?
Margie: I hope not. Oh Lord, Edna, this phone is dead. Let’s go get the car.
Edna: Margie, maybe we should just go to town hall.
Margie: I think so. Somebody should know what's going on. Maybe that Mr. Hawkins. Sweet man.
Edna: Hmm, you think so? He has a lovely family, it looks like. But I heard Gracie Leigh tell Jake that he paid cash for his house. That seems a little, well, odd, don't you think?
Margie: Yes and his wife, Darcy, acts very peculiar when I asked where they came from.
Edna: You know, it's funny. They only just got to town. You don't suppose they know anything about that mushroom cloud, do you? You know I don't believe in coincidences.
Margie: Well, they sure are secretive. They won't even let their children talk to me. What if he does know something?
Edna: I don't know Margie, maybe we'd better just steer clear of him until we find out what's going on. We'd better head to town hall.
*************************** Town Hall
Margie: Edna, look at that crowd. They seem to be awfully upset.
Edna: They do, don't they? It sounds like a school bus of kids is missing, oh Margie!
Margie: Oh no! Is somebody going to look for them?
Edna: I hope so. Uh-oh, it sounds like there's trouble over at the gas station. Think we should check it out?
Margie: I think we should. What's that racket?
******************************* Gas Station
Edna: Look at that, grown folks fighting over gasoline. You'd think they'd never had to prepare for a disaster before. They should be ashamed of themselves!
Margie: Well, they aren't as lucky as we are. Papa taught us to be prepared but a lot of folks live day to day.
Edna: That's so true. Oh my stars Margie, look! It's the school bus!
Margie: Edna, is that Jake Green driving that thing?
Edna: Why, I do believe that it is! Bless his heart, I guess he does know to do the right thing, doesn't he?
Margie: I hope he did it for the right reasons. Who's that young lady? The teacher?
Edna: Oh my, yes, it's Heather Lisinski. She had those kids out on a field trip today, you know. Looks like some of them are hurt, I'm so glad they made it back safely. Oh, hush, it looks like Mayor Green is talking.
Margie: Let me turn up my hearing aid.
Mayor Green’s speech, on any other day but this one, would have sounded like typical politician rhetoric. But Margie and Edna, and the rest of the citizens of Jericho gathered there, knew that it wasn’t. His words about working together in times of difficulty, and about using their imaginations to solve problems, struck home with all of them. And when he said to those gathered, “Folks, don’t you break my heart again,” nobody wanted to.
Margie and Edna would have given their eyeteeth to know that Hawkins is able to use his computer and he has found Jake Green with a passport flagged by the government. Why does Hawkins' computer work and why is Jake's passport flagged?
These and many more questions can be answered by watching the season one DVD, available Oct. 2. Why not order yours today?
"According to the fable, a hungry wolf came upon a sheep's fleece lying on the ground in a field. The wolf realized that if it wore the fleece, it would look like a sheep from a distance. That would enable the wolf to sneak up on a flock of sheep and steal a lamb for its supper, before the shepherd noticed his presence.
The wolf put on the fleece, and went off in search of a flock of sheep. It spied a flock of sheep just as the sun was setting, and approached the flock. Just as it was about to pounce on a lamb, a shepherd came by, looking for a sheep to slaughter for supper. Thinking the disguised wolf was a sheep, the shepherd quickly grabbed and killed the wolf."
Those of you who know me through my love of Jericho know that I will do whatever it takes to promote this show. You also know that I have never asked you to take sides against anyone. I try to avoid anything that doesn't promote Jericho. Today is no exception. Jericho comes first with me. For others, their pettiness and jealousy, and manipulation of others comes first.
Today I wish to address this post to several people who know who they are. Many of you know them too. They are wolves dressed in sheep's clothes. They try to convince you that they only want to promote Jericho while they are, not so secretly, promoting their own underhanded agenda.
There was a time when we all worked together to save Jericho and we did. Some people were hurt when their ideas weren't used but the pace of the Nuts campaign was not conducive to everyone receiving kudos for their ideas or their work.
Over time fans branched out from CBS and made blogs, websites, and other message boards. Our goal was to do as Nina Tassler asked and spread the word about Jericho to garner new viewers. This is called viral marketing and it works.
There are those who seem to think we should only post at CBS. That's fine. We should use that as our main board. BUT, who uses the CBS board? Fans of the show. A few new viewers drift in here and there but they're fans before they visit. Where do we find new viewers? Everywhere. Some of these same people want to dictate to you which message board you should be a part of and which ones you should avoid.
Would you limit your promotion efforts to one store or one person? What good would that do? We must be tireless in our efforts to find new viewers everywhere.
Alas, ugly jealousy and plain hate come along. There are Jericho fans who do not deserve to be called Rangers. They don't want to spread the Jericho message; they want to spread gossip and lies and bring shame to the cast, crew, and fans of Jericho.
I have been on the CBS board since before Jericho was cancelled. I am passionate about this show. Many of you are the same way. Don't let anybody cool your passion. Don't fall for what looks a Ranger pretending to want only more episodes. And, don't be fooled by people you would least expect to be involved in this underhanded scheme.
No, I'm not talking conspiracy. I'm talking about people who have grudges and personal vendettas against others and want you to side with them. Be very careful what you believe and who you believe in. Promote the way you want to and know that I am very proud to be associated with such a fine group. Well, except the wolves. Never turn your back on a wolf.
So, what do you think? Know any wolves?
Email me at sweat1951@rock.com This is the correct email but copy & paste if clicking doesn't work. Your emails will be held in the strictest confidence.
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