Saturday, December 22, 2007
Monster Fan of the Week
What can I say about a person who has earned my respect and admiration? I can say he's a terrific Jericho Ranger, a fine artist, and a wonderful video maker. He gives so much of his time to promoting harmony, goodwill, and Jericho.
RubberPoultry inspires and motivates. He is kind, helpful,always willing to share,and uses every opportunity to expand the Jericho universe.
On a personal note, he has been very supportive of me and I am grateful. I look forward to working with him for many years to come.
The Monster Fan of The Week is RubberPoultry.
Congratulations,RP, and thanks for all your hard work.
"There was this fella named Larry Stewart," he tells a man in the bus station. "He was an old friend of mine. He was called Secret Santa, and every year he would find a few people who might need a little money and he would ask that you pass on the kindness."
People respond differently to the gesture. Some cry. Some scream. A rare few even say "No thanks."
Others take the money and offer their own gifts. like Robert Young, who was homeless and had only 20 cents in his pocket. When Secret Santa gave him $200, Young, 50, took out an old notebook and ripped out a song he had written.
"It's yours now," he told Secret Santa, who thanked Young, and carefully tucked the pages into his pocket.
The new Secret Santa has also started a Web site, and is trying to recruit other Secret Santas across the country. "Larry's dream was for a Secret Santa in every city," Kansas City's Santa said."
cbs. tv,
skeet ulrich
Friday, December 21, 2007
Jericho On MySpace
Jericho MySpace Pages:
1. Sprague Grayden
2. JerichoMonster
3. Shoshannah Stern
4. Jericho On CBS (Looks official)
5. RubberPoultry
More to come. Don't have a page? It's easy to make one.
Cingramaol has created 2 pages for Sprague Grayden which will be incorporated into an upcoming website. Wonderful photos and lots of information here. Thanks for sharing C.
The Sprague Grayden Page
The Heather Lisinski Page
19 Acts of Kindness
Glad to see AOL cover this.
sprague grayden
Thursday, December 20, 2007
The Jericho Wave
"I was asked to post the ideas I had expressed in the chat for promoting season 2 so people could reference them and those that could not attend could see them. So here they are. - schumi
First, there are a lot of great initiative that people are doing to promote season 2. None are any better than the rest - all have value and we need everyone's effort, no matter how large or small. I've decided to focus my personal efforts in 3 stages or waves that are simple, cheap and everyone can do if they wish.
Wave one - Online (Now)
It takes time to build serious buzz online sometimes between now and the beginning of January, we need to get Jericho back up in the internet topic searches, seek out casual fans and new fans in places other than the traditional Jericho sites, and find those that left away from the CBS board for one reason or another. The current effort to mine the CBS board for old (potentially gone) posters is a great effort in this area. And we need to find not only our lost rangers but new ones as well. If these people choose to step up and help promote the show - great - but that's not why we need them. We need them talking about the show, aware that its back, and come February tuning in. So I'm not out to hype promotion to them - just pass along basic information about Jericho's return (or what Jericho is to new fans) and hope they pass it along to their friends.
* Social Networking sites - myspace, facebook, livejournal, yahoo groups, etc...
* Blogs
* Diggs
* Internet searches
* Commenting on online articles as they begin to appear.
* Help as you can tame the problems in the CBS Jericho chat room. Don't antagonize people, but also don't feed the flames of those seeking attention by causing trouble.
Obviously the online wave needs to continue through the new season - particularly in the social networking areas.
Wave two - Traditional media (right after xmas / new years)
There is already an effort to get a press release out. This is fantastic. I'm going to focus on helping individuals make contact with their local media: outreach, talking points, etc.... Most entertainment and lifestyle sections plan stories like those we want about a month in advance (leaving a few holes in the section for breaking news). Right now these editors are focused mostly on holiday stories, but as soon as the holidays are over and before the "spring" themed stories are prepped they will be looking for those local interest pieces and there we have a good opportunity.
It'd be great to get as many local stories about Jericho as possible the week and particularly the weekend before the premiere airs. These editors will be looking for the local angle. Example - the Pittsburgh paper wanted to talk to Clarke and hear Clarke's Jericho story because Clarke is from Pittsburgh. They love the local angle. Of course if there is enough copy space or time in the segment they will expand to the Jericho and Jericho Ranger story with more broad information but they want to start with the local first.
Wave three - Flyers and other direct contact with potential viewers (week and weekend before the premiere - prep time now though)
People have short attention spans these days. They probably aren't going to remember the info on a flyer more than 3-4 days.
Flyers should be simple, clear and to the point. Example: Jericho Season 2 premieres Tuesday 2/12 on CBS at 10pm
If your area only has 1 CBS station and everyone knows the station # - include it.
Include the day as well as the date. Many people will more easily remember "Tuesday" or "This Tuesday" than be bothered to figure out what day of the week 2/12 is."
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Jericho: Coming Back
"Jericho" is coming back, and just maybe the campaign helped, but it most certainly wasn’t the deciding factor. CBS had mountains of data to analyze to determine that they screwed up with the show.
"Jericho" deserved to survive because it had one thing going for it: It had people watching it. The ratings were strong the first half of the season, but dropped after a two-plus-month hiatus for the winter. A show finding its audience could not survive that, and it didn't. CBS acknowledges it screwed up.
"Journeyman" was given every chance to build an audience. But the problem is almost half of the people who watched "Heroes" turned the channel instead of staying for "Journeyman." For the networks, there’s no coming back from that. They didn’t pull it too soon, nor did they move the show around their schedule. They kept it stable, and aired all the episodes."
Looks like a good promotional tool to me:
"We at Media Predict have just discovered the HD re-runs of "Jericho" on UniversalHD -- and the show is fantastic!
We wanted to give you the chance to place your bets on whether "Jericho" will surivive to see another season. We certainly hope it does. Take a look at if interested.
Media Predict is a prediction market game for movies, TV, music and more. You can buy low and sell high and make a fortune in fantasy money. It's a lot of fun -- and the predictions we generate are almost always right. We hope you'll stop by and check it out."
cbs. tv,
SyFy Portal
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Monster Fan Interview: Cingramaol
The Monster Fan of the Week is someone who has worked very hard for Jericho and he continues to do so. He inspires, motivates, and loves Heather.
He is also helpful, kind, always willing to share ideas, and never misses an opportunity to tell anyone who will listen about Jericho.
The Monster Fan of The Week is Cingramaol.
Congratulations, Clarke, and thanks for all your hard work.
Now to the interview:
1. What attracted you to Jericho?
I've been interested in things post-apocalyptic since I first read Nevil
Shute's "On The Beach" as a teenager. When I heard in May 2006 that CBS was
taking the Jericho pilot to series, I was intrigued. When I saw the shot of the
kid on the roof looking at the mushroom cloud, I was hooked. It was several
more months until the premiere of the show in September, and I was
anticipating it all the way. I was not disappointed.
2. After Jericho was cancelled what made you decide to enlist in the
campaign to get it back?
When the cancellation announcement came, I made what I hoped was a gracious
post on the CBS message board, saying that we'd had a full season of the show
(22 episodes), and it was amazing that a weekly series about the aftermath
of a nuclear attack had done that well, and that we should be grateful that
we'd seen that much of the show. I think fans were grateful, but it was
obvious within 24 hours that no one was going gently into that good night. And
then I was recruited by other people, including Schumi, who had been working on
a web site ( which became one of the rallying points for the
movement. From there, I jumped in with both feet, as did thousands of other
3. You are well known in the Pittsburgh area as Operations Manager of
Pittsburgh-area AM stations WKHB (620) and WKFB (770). Did having that position
help you spread the word about our campaign?
Yes, but only toward the end of the campaign. Because of my career
background, and having spent my life somewhat in the public eye, I ended up as a
spokesperson several times, particularly as it became apparent that the series
might be saved. And the TV-radio editor of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette was
surprised to find out that the Jericho campaign had a local angle. But in the
end, I was just another fan pulling for the survival of the show, like so many
4. Did you really believe CBS would bring Jericho back?
I thought there was a snowball's chance in hell. These campaigns usually
don't work, no matter how strong and enthusiastic they are. When I started to
hear rumors that the show might actually return, I could hardly believe it.
When I realized that the network was bringing the show back, I was ecstatic.
Changing the mind of a major broadcasting corporation in three weeks is
unprecedented. It's a testimony to the efforts of all the Jericho Rangers and
the open-mindedness of CBS.
5. Where were you when you heard Jericho was coming back? How did you feel?
Quite by accident, I must have been one of the first people to hear the
news. It was twelve minutes after five on June 6, 2007, and I was on the CBS
message board at the time. When I refreshed the page, I saw a new posting
entitled "A Message From CBS Entertainment," time-stamped 5:08 PM. After all the
rumors of the previous few days, I knew this had to be our answer, yes or no.
I read the message -- I distinctly remember the words "CBS has ordered
seven new episodes" -- and by 5:15, I was on the phone with Schumi, who had not
heard the news. I was almost delirious. I think I was screaming. Then I
called some other people. And then the E-mails started flying and the board
started buzzing, and I thought to myself, tonight's the night the world begins
6. Would you do it all over again now that you know what was involved?
Yes. There has been some unfortunate BS along the way, as there is in every
fandom at times, but I would stand and fight again for Jericho in a
heartbeat, and I'm sure many other fans would do the same.
7. Who's your favorite character on Jericho and why?
Heather Lisinski, because she's the smart girl, the slightly nerdy girl, the
underdog when it comes to winning Jake, and is played by a tremendous
actress, Sprague Grayden, who I believe has a brilliant career ahead of her.
8. What are you doing now for Jericho? (Promoting)
Right now it's a matter of getting out the word that there's going to be a
second season. Many people still believe the series disappeared for good in
May, or in November of last year. It's the Christmas season and this is the
perfect time to let people on your Christmas card list know about the show
returning in February. Better yet, give the gift of the Jericho Season One DVD
set. Now, please don't laugh, but so far I've bought 13 copies!
9. What should fans be doing now?
Simple. Tell everyone you know about the second season of Jericho,
premiering Tuesday, February 12 on CBS. This show, like all of the others, will rise
and fall on the Nielsen ratings, and we need to pull in more viewers if we
want to see a Season Three. Nina Tassler put those cards on the table, and
she's absolutely right in saying so.
There have been some wonderful critical reviews of Jericho, particularly
since the show was rescued. I think it's a unique show because of its premise,
and the way it taps into our present-day fears and concerns, and forces us to
ask questions about our world and ourselves. It's entertainment, but it's
not light entertainment. It's fine dramatic television. It makes you think,
which is what good television should do. I think we're in for an exciting
second season and I am proud to have played a small part in bringing the show
back. Here's to more Jericho!
cbs. tv,
sprague grayden
Monday, December 17, 2007
Bloggers Unite: Acts Of Kindness
"On Monday, December 17th, post about some act of kindness you performed — making a donation, helping someone move, volunteering your time, or even something as simple as paying someone an unexpected compliment — and then share your story with a post, photo, or video on your blog."
"You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you."
— John Bunyon
This is a story about Kindness;the kindness of a remarkable group of people. I can never repay them for their kindness but I have no doubt they shall be rewarded. It began in May of this year when Jericho on CBS was cancelled.
Thousands of Jericho fans gathered to try to reverse the cancellation and we did. CBS renewed our show. During this time many friendships were born. I had no idea at the time that those very friendships would bring me a miracle when I most needed it.
Due to circumstances beyond my control I had to move. Unfortunately, my new landlady does not allow pets. I had found someone to keep my dog, Arabelle (Boo), so I completed my move. Less than two weeks later they changed their mind.
A friend's sister said she would take Boo. She took an inside dog and put her in a small outside pen and expected her to do fine. I grieved for Arabelle day and night. Then, the friend's sister called and gave me one day to find Boo a new home.
I can't tell you how hard I worked to try to find a home. No luck. My last resort was a shelter here where I live. They said they'd try to find someone to adopt Boo. If they couldn't find her a home I'd have to pick her up or leave her to very unpleasant consequences.
I knew I had to be prepared in case she wasn't adopted so I contacted everybody I could think of with no luck. I couldn't eat or sleep for worrying. I was desperate and begging for help.
I decided to post my plea on one of my blogs. I wrote: "If anyone can direct me to any resource I will be forever grateful. If you live in my area and could give her a foster home I can buy her food.
Ideas, resources, anything will be greatly appreciated."
To make a very long story short, some amazing Jericho fans and friends got together and raised enough money to provide transport for Boo to another Jericho friends' home in Indiana. Not just any transport but my friend's husband drove down here to Alabama to get my Boo and drove her to her new temporary home.
This was a miracle delivered by a group of Jericho Angels. I have never experienced such an outpouring of love and support. Kindness not only lives in these people;it is freely shared.
“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.”
This was one of those moments and these folks changed my life as well as Boo's.
That's why I now call them Boo's Angels.
bloggers unite,
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Jericho: Fan Campaigns
Excellent post today by Rich of Copywrite Ink.
"Yesterday, Amy Vernon with Remote Access let Jericho fans know that Universal HD, a cable network owned by NBC Universal, is airing Jericho for two mini-marathons in high definition, starting tonight. One person commented.
A few days ago, CBS launched a viral YouTube video that is aimed at fans more than new viewers. To date, it has received less than 15,000 views, a fraction of what Jericho fans once mustered. Even the positive comments hint at frustration.
“Thank you, CBS, for finally letting us know what the freak is freaking happening."
"All fan campaigns have limits. For evidence, take a look back at the three we turned our attention to last June: The Black Donnellys, Veronica Mars, and, of course, Jericho."
While I’m still being brought up to speed on the viability of the Journeyman campaign, it seems clear that consumers are increasingly prepared to pummel networks for quick cancellation of good shows. Sooner or later, networks might get the message: the old rules are dead. Nowadays, it’s better to feed shows on the bubble than let them fade quietly into the night because there is nothing quiet about vested fans and brands can only take so much."
Copywrite Ink,
remote access,
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