
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

CouchSlobs: Jericho

"Jericho Rangers- a call to action

With less then a month away until the new season of Jericho, it is make it or break it time. Jericho got another shot but keep in mind we have only got 7 new episodes. And there is an alternate ending in case Jericho does not get renewed for a 3rd season (I do hope we never get to see it).

So it is time to recruit, recruit, recruit. And as history has shown we cannot rely on “good people” of CBS to do any promotion so it is down to us. February 12th will be here sooner then you think and it gives you just plenty of time to get people hooked on season 1. So gets some snacks and invite your neighbors for an evening of Jericho fun!"

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