
Sunday, April 13, 2008

Nuts: Phase III

Nuts To Nielsen

Phase III

NorsU says, "Phase 3 is in early stages but will be an effort to get this message to other fandoms and continue to expose Nielsen for what it is, a fraud."

If interested you may leave a comment or email me at sweat1951@rock.com and I will pass the information to NorsU.
In the US, TV network AMC has partnered with Nielsen to develop a new Audience Identity Metric (AIM) that segments the audience by behavior, as well as a new ‘Ad Vantage’ metric for advertisers to measure ad receptivity across the industry.

AIM examines distinct differences in consumer preferences and behaviors to identify and target those viewers most likely to watch and to be engaged by a particular mix of AMC film titles and originals. The system matches the audience of specific movie titles with the lifestyles and behavior patterns that are the basis of specific advertiser's TV planning specs; then this data is matched to Nielsen audience estimates.

Holly Leff Pressman, EVP and General Manager of Nielsen Entertainment explained that the metric has been designed to provide more value to advertisers as they target specific audiences beyond age and gender demographics.


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