
Saturday, June 30, 2007

Skeet Ulrich As Jake Green

Since Jericho returns in reruns July 6 I thought it might be helpful to explain a bit about some of the characters. If you haven't watched Jericho before rest assured that I'm not going to tell you anything that will spoil it for you.

Jake Green ( played by Skeet Ulrich) is the Prodigal son of Jericho.We first see him arriving home, greeting friends and family, and being evasive about where's he been. We know there's a story here. We learn that Jake has returned home for his grandfather's funeral. We also learn that Jake has been gone from Jericho for 5 years although he gives a variety of answers to the question of where he's been. Was he really off playing baseball or was he in the military? Let's see, Jake, was that Army or Navy?

Jake goes to his father, Johnston Green, and asks for the inheritance his grandfather left him. When Johnston refuses to give it to him we know there's a mysterious story buried deep inside their words. Anyway, Jake decides he may as well leave town again so he hits the highway. Of course he doesn't get far before he sees the mushroom cloud. Distracted, his car collides with another. Thus begins the journey that will, once again, return him to Jericho.

In one later scene Jake is asked about his knowledge of water pumps and states that he was once a pool boy which you just know isn't true. There's another scene where Hawkins ( character to be discussed tomorrow) looks Jake up on the computer ( it works?)and learns that Jake's passport is flagged by the government. You'll like that part of the story too.

For all the info you could want on Skeet Ulrich check here:


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