
Saturday, July 14, 2007

Jericho Ratings

I was very disappointed by Jericho's ratings last night until I took the time to consider some other things.

1. It's summer. People are vacationing and doing other things.

2. Jericho was pre-empted in some areas due to baseball.

3. Ghost Whisperer was not on last night which probably would have helped us.

4. The time change-from 8:00 CT to 7 CT may have confused people. The numbers were better in the next hour.

5. There appeared to be much less promotion by CBS this week.

6. There were errors on the CBS website referring to the times the episodes would be shown. People just got lost.

7. The Harry Potter movie brought people out in droves.

8.. Finally, these two episodes were totally confusing. Not a great idea, CBS.

Here's how it went:

8:00 p.m.

Jericho (R)
Viewers: 3.10 million, A18-49: 0.7/ 3

8:30 p.m.

Jericho (R)
Viewers: 2.84 million, A18-49: 0.6/ 3

9:00 p.m.

Jericho (R)
Viewers: 3.20 million, A18-49: 0.7/3

9:30 p.m.

Jericho (R)
Viewers: 3.31 million, A18-49: 0.7/3

More info at:


Coming Tomorrow: What do we do next?


Bob Johnson said...

Frustrating to say the least.

paigec71 said...

I think CBS made a poor decision. New viewers like myself wanted to see episode 2; not wait two weeks to see episode 2. I think that is the main reason. Jericho is a great show and I think we will see a ratings increase next week. Networks need to quit offering too much lag time between episodes.

Sweet Tea said...

So true, Bob.
Paige, you're also correct. CBS and NBC have really dropped the ball.