Sunday, July 15, 2007

What's Next For Jericho Fans ?

I think it's very important that all Jericho fans read this article "Jericho Fans: Why Aren't You Using the Internet? (Cultural Learnings)". I believe it's true that we aren't using the internet as much as we did during the Nuts campaign. The board is not as busy as it once was. Many people think the fight is over and we need them back.

"I know that everyone is telling their friends, and this is great. But it was the internet that made this campaign a success: without Digg and without bloggers, I do not think Jericho would have returned. This wasn't a grassroots campaign, it was an internet campaign."
Myles is right. How did people learn about the Nuts campaign in the first place? It was via Internet. Michelle Malkin covered us and the campaign took off. Why? Because she is considered the blogger that everyone reads. We need her back.

"We’ve seen two weeks of repeats, and it seems to be like things have just reverted back to where they were before: no one seems to be talking about Jericho. While I know that many have taken a more grassroots approach at marketing the show to friends and family (Which is great), I think that this can only go so far. The way shows like Jericho become successful is through cultural consciousness."
We need more than telling family and friends. We need to take over the Internet like we did before.

Read what Myles says was the reason Save Jericho was successful and what our goals should be now. Here's my opinion on what we need to do:

1. Send feedback to CBS after every show. Give gender and ages of everyone who watched.
2. Digg everything you can. I have posted an explanation on the CBS board and will post it here tomorrow as well.
3. Sign up for Google Alerts and leave a comment on every blog and article you possibly can. I've also posted that explanation on the CBS board.
4. Make your own page on as many social networking sites as you can. Myspace, Facebook, Ning, Ziki. I'll be writing explanations for this soon.
5. Ask friends and family to join you online.
6. Post on as many forums as you can. Be subtle. I've posted on several CBS boards but not about Jericho. However, my signature is about Jericho so everybody sees it.

I'll have more tomorrow.


Debby said...

Great article. Thanks for posting things to do to help Jericho get more episodes instead of just bemoaning the ratings. We need to be proactive.
Debby from SC

Anonymous said...

When I click on sign u for "google alerts" it comes up that the webpage is not available.

Sweet Tea said...

Thanks. We do need to be more proactive.
I'll check on the google link. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

How do we get Neilsen families to watch?????

Sweet Tea said...

We can't actually get Nielsen families to watch because we don't know who they are. They're not allowed to say. All we can do is put the word out and hope we reach Nielsen families.

Anonymous said...

We have to make JERICHO a household name. I know when the first CSI came on the air I had a hard time remembering what C.S.I. stood for.

JERICHO, JERICHO, JERICHO. The goal is to mention Jericho and not have someone say, "What is that?" If they say they don't watch it fine. It's their loss, but let's make sure they know what it is.

To do that you have to get it in their faces. Leave a trail of business cards and/or flyers everywhere you go.

erika said...

Today is my first day with my Google alert, and so far so good. This is such an easy way to find jericho articles and comment and Digg, which i have done to my hearts content. Thanks for the encouragement. I have a Jericho ad up on my non-Jericho blog. My friends think it's funny that I am so willing to pimp my show, but they love the show too, and you never know who will stumble across the thing. I'm hoping for a slow but steady increase on the internet as the summer rolls along. I think a lot of us needed a little break after burning ourselves out (I know I did), but hopefully we can get it rockin' again.

Sweet Tea said...

Thank you so much for your efforts. We can do this if we work as a team. I'm starting a new blog today just for the tutorials so I hope it will be helpful. I'll post it at CBS when it's ready.
anonymous, You are correct! Jericho has to be a household name. We can do it. Leave that trail everybody!
Thanks for your comments.

mpbnice said...

You're right! We need to get back to made us successful.

HannColl said...


I saw your comments on the "Miss Manners Guide to Save Your Show Campaigns" post. I'm commenting here because I have an idea that I think might help with promoting and increasing viewership for Jericho and my show (Supernatural). In short, both of our shows need viewers, so I propose we try something a little different -- combining forces with the two fandoms. In other words, Supernatural fans agree to watch Jericho and help out with promotional campaigns, and Jericho fans do the same for Supernatural. I believe the two shows would have enough in common that fans of one would like the other. What do you think? I'm fairly unfamiliar with, so if you don't mind, please email me at Thanks! -Mon

Anonymous said...


Personally, I am using to make myself visible on the web.
Ziki offers to all its users a free registration within the main search engines (Google, Yahoo!, MSN) and their content networks.
So whenever anyone searches for your name on one of these pages, your name and a link to your Ziki profile will appear within the commercial ads on the top of the search results.
Try it out and let me know what you think about Ziki.

Sweet Tea said...

Thank you. Will send email shortly. I like it.
Thank you. I'll cover Ziki tomorrow on my new blog.